September 8, 2023
Back to class
Sorry about the delay! I am now getting back into the swing of things. Updates for the last few weeks are as follows:
- Refined thesis topic to focus on Pedestrian velocity calculation from a robot's perspective
- Gathered literature sources to compare and constrast against, began bulletting ideas
- Wrote introduction & began thesis proposal
I am still working with my thesis advisor to refine and focus my topic and concept to a point where I am ready to propose my thesis for my committee (which I have yet to form, so stay tuned).
August 16, 2023
Welcome! This is where I share updates about
- What I worked on,
- What I am stuck on,
- and what I want to focus on the following week.
Like always, if you have any suggestions, comments, concerns, or otherwise, please feel free to reach out to me!